
Can e-cigarettes be considered as unsafe or defective under Washington law?

When we purchase goods, we expect these to work as advertised and not cause harm (unless these are intended to be harmful, such as explosives and poisons). In Washington, consumers are protected by the Washington Products Liability Act (WPLA), a law that compels manufacturers and merchants to only sell reasonably safe products that are apt for their intended and unintended-but-reasonably-foreseeable uses.

What is comparative negligence in Washington slip and fall cases?

Though it may be jarring to hear “Cleanup on Aisle 7!” while grocery shopping, take comfort in knowing that store management is fulfilling its duty to take care of its premises so that no one slips on their floors and hurts themselves.

While most slips and falls just result in a sore bum, some cases involve sprained ankles, broken hips, skull fractures, and contusions that lead to brain aneurysms.